Monday, November 29, 2010

Human Resources helping family wellness

The health nags in human resources have exhausted every possible idea to guide individual employees into good health.That's why the next front in the Wellness Wars is not about the employee. It's about their husbands, wives, and kids. While most big companies already have employee wellness programs, the newest trend is expanding those efforts to include dependents. I feel that this is a great idea for the fact the employees aren't using these benefits themselves. Not to mention those who have to trick health facilities in order to help family members receive insurance. This also will help to motive those employees who weren't willing to get on the program. Perhaps seeing that their family members are taking the positive steps to better themselves,will provide that push for the employee to take his or her heath more seriously. this battle is about more than slimming down and lowering blood pressure. Many policy experts believe that workplace wellness programs have great cost-cutting potential. A recent meta-analysis of existing studies by two Harvard professors published in the February issue of the journal Health Affairs found that for every dollar companies spend on employee wellness, medical costs fall an average of $3.27.