Friday, September 24, 2010

Issues: The healthcare H.R department

With the close observation of our health care system, numerous human resource department issues arise. Various insufficient factors emerge that clearly affect health care practices and human resources management. Some of the greater issues from the Human Resources department include the workforce training issue, and the migration of health workers. Workforce training is an important issue within the HR department of our healthcare systems. The human resources personnel need to be able to analyze and determine the skills and the training level of the health workers. The workforce has to have the highest level of awareness in preparation to meet our country's present and future needs. The best way to improve the workforce ability is through provision of better health education and job training. The second issue the HR departments in healthcare are facing is the migration of health care workers. Research suggests that the movement of health care professionals closely follows the migration pattern of all professionals in that the internal movement of the workforce to urban areas. The Human resource issues in health care come in where strategies are required to address the lack of motivation and dissatisfaction resulting from low wages. The best way to improve this issue is to start rewarding those who continue to work hard with more paid vacation days, bonuses, etc.