Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What does Human Resources mean to you and what is their role in healthcare organizations?

What does human resources mean to me? Honestly I’ve have not gone into too much depth within the human resource department during my years in the workforce, so my knowledge is minor. I do know that those who work in Human Resources are not only responsible for hiring and firing, and that those in Human Resource also handle contacting job references and administering employee benefits. As a future nursing home administrator the human resource department is what makes are breaks getting hired for a position within the specified nursing home facility. The Human Resource departments role in an healthcare organizations are similar to any other business meaning that the Human resource department employees must be great at judging applicants because the applicants potential careers are based on the Human Resource officials decision. They have to be able to decipher not only if their right person for the available positions but also how the applicant will mesh with the current staff. It is not enough to be able to simple just screen, hire, and fire potential employees; The Human Resources department are also responsible for handling a crisis in a smooth, discreet manner such as sexual harassment. Overall Human Resources are the base of an organization; this department is the foundation of any organization success.