Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Measuring Quality in health care

How does one measure quality in health care? A different perspective leads to different definitions of what’s considered quality in health care. Although there are many perspectives (i.e. patients, stockholders, etc) of what is considered quality in health care, the satisfaction of the patient is nucleus of how well a facility runs. Fortunately there are tools that can help with the measurement of quality in a health care setting. I find the most effective tool in measuring quality of health care is the Quality assessment. A quality assessment measures the difference between expected and actual performance to identify opportunities for improvement. The method of quality assessment that I find is the most affective is the patient exit interview method. The exit interview method is best because it gets the patient experiences in the facility while the thought is still fresh on their mind. The exit interview provide an opportunity to obtain information from the client’s perspective on the services received that day a perspective often very different from that of the health care worker.