Monday, May 24, 2010

What does quality mean to you?

Quality to me is preceived in terms of preference and value. I evaluate quality of health care according to the responsiveness of my specific need. I find that quality is based mostly on perspective. The patient and provider have different ideas of what is considered quality. Me as the patient is going to define quality as how much effort a physician/facility is puting in to make sure that i am comfortable and treated. Where as a physician would view quality as more technical( making sure the appropriate care is performed,basically doing the right thing right). Comfort is a major part of quality in health care to me. Everybody expects to get treated correctly when it comes to health care,but how you are treated before actually diagnosis is what makes or breaks good quality to me. There has been numerous occasions where I've had to sit for hours in the so called emergency room filling out insurance information before i could get looked at. That is considered poor quality of care to me because i feel that getting treated should be first. I believe its because of issues like this that our countries health care system is viewed in such a negative light.